Eric interviewed for Shrinking Trump podcast

Eric interviewed for Shrinking Trump podcast

Eric was interviewd by John Gartner and Harry Segal for the Shrinking Trump podcast episode, “It’s his stutter, NOT cognitive decline.” Eric makes the argument that much of what is being perceived as “cognitive decline” is actually Biden...
Article on psychedelics and stuttering published

Article on psychedelics and stuttering published

Could psychedelics help people who stutter? Our most recent paper, published in the Journal of Fluency Disorders, includes a qualitative analysis of the impact of classic psychedelics (psilocybin, LSD) on stuttering. We analyzed 114 Reddit posts of self-identified...
Congratulations to Doctoral Student Haley Warner

Congratulations to Doctoral Student Haley Warner

Savvy lab doc student Haley Warner is this year’s recipient of the NSA Graduate Student Research Award. Her project extends our previous work on private speech in adults by examining the phenomenon in preschoolers. This work will provide critical insights into...
NYU CoHRR Annual Research Showcase

NYU CoHRR Annual Research Showcase

Haley and Courtney (savvy lab doc students) presented pilot data for a project about using speaking and listening tasks to screen potential functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) participants. fNIRS is the tool we use to estimate brain activation. Some...